sexta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2006

(Notícia) Casino Royale

O site Latino Review teve acesso ao script de Casino Royale, o novo filme de 007. Se quiserem ler a opinião deles, na eventualidade de encontrarem pequenos spoilers, aqui ficam alguns dos comentários que foram feitos:

"The script is really cool. An origin story. For starters the story is contemporized. The story does not take place during the cold war. "

"This story shows us why James Bond is the way he is, the chip on his shoulder, and the origins of the super secret agent to be. For sure, the edgiest of the Bond films because this is Bond at his most edgy. For sure, the Bond that Fleming intended and the fans have clamored to see."

Para lerem a review completa carreguem AQUI.